Ripple Reports - KLWA News


Who We Are

The KLWA established a Climate Change Observatory (CCO) in 2013 to observe, measure, and analyze long-term climate change trends and to address their impact upon the waters, lands, and wildlife of the Kezar Lake watershed. The CCO is building upon decades of limited local data by expanding data collection activities in the Kezar Lake watershed. The purpose of the CCO work is to provide local governments, civic organizations, and the public with ongoing information concerning the effects of climate change on community interests and recommendations for mitigating or adapting to these potential effects. The CCO publishes an annual report summarizing climate change trends in the watershed.

View Current Annual Report –>

Climate Change Observatory Management

The Climate Change Observatory is funded by a combination of grant, donations, and the KLWA General Fund. CCO activities are guided by a Steering Committee that reports to the KLWA President and supervises the activities of the CCO, by providing direction, setting goals, establishing priorities, and allocating funds.

Current Steering Committee Members

  • Steve Lewis, Interim Director

  • Lucy LaCasse

  • Heinrich Wurm

Partners and Collaborating Organizations

The CCO collaborates with federal and state government agencies, universities, and private organizations that are involved in climate change activities. CCO members meet and exchange ideas and data with these partners on a regular basis. The recommendations and guidance the CCO has received from these collaborating partners have been immensely helpful in formulating climate change monitoring plans and activities. Our partners include:

  • Greater Lovell Land Trust – shares our vital interest in the future of our watershed;

  • U.S. Forest Service– established a water quality data exchange plan for streams within the watershed in the White Mountain National Forest (24% of our watershed);

  • University of Maine Climate Change Institute– provides access to internationally-acclaimed experts studying climate science;

  • Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife– conducts research on the effects of climate change on fisheries and wildlife;

  • Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences – provides technical experts on climate change effects on land and water;

  • Plymouth State University Center for the Environment – provides historical climate data from sediment core sampling, as well as a source of highly-qualified graduate interns;

  • FB Environmental Associates– provides technical advice, planning, and monitoring support for CCO activities.

How You Can Help

The CCO Steering Committee has developed an Action Plan with prioritized tasks, correlated to the values or interests most relevant to those who live in the Kezar Lake watershed. The CCO is currently looking for additional volunteers to help implement the Action Plan by participating in CCO activities. Participation involves fun outings in the forests and on the water along with great companionship with others, our watershed, lake, ponds and streams.

The CCO Steering Committee is especially looking for volunteers to help lead key action items, many of which do not require much time, and little or no training or unique expertise. Examples of the types of activities might include:

Download “Do Your Part” PDF

  • Assist with water quality monitoring on Kezar Lake and/or watershed ponds

  • Deploy temperature and water depth recorders in Kezar Lake’s inflowing streams

  • Conduct vernal pool monitoring

  • Document ice in/ice out dates

  • Monitor for bird, mammal, amphibian, fish, & plant species

  • Research climate change literature, looking for data and recommendations applicable to CCO

View Local Climate Trends –>