KLWA is sponsoring LakeSmart in the Kezar Lake Watershed. LakeSmart is a statewide education and reward program that helps lakefront homeowners manage landscapes in ways that protect water quality and the aesthetics of the shore land. The program is free, non-regulatory, and voluntary. Some properties receive a LakeSmart Award sign for driveway and/or lake shore. All properties receive individualized suggestions and How-To tips to protect the water quality and aesthetics. LakeSmart is an ongoing process, so properties can schedule future evaluations.
View our 2023 Kezar Lake Watershed LakeSmart Summary Report.
LakeSmart Award Sign on Kezar Lake - A tiny sign can make a huge difference.
Benefits? Elimination of erosion, and reduction of runoff, reduces or eliminates natural /man-made nutrients and pollutants entering the lake. This protects our water quality. Additionally, Eurasian milfoil grows best in fertile, fine-textured inorganic sediments, i.e. lakes receiving naturally occurring or man-made nitrogen and phosphorus-laden runoff. Milfoil prefers highly disturbed lake beds and heavily used lakes. The buffer strip, currently defined as 100 ft. from the water upland, is the only protection the lake has. Loons and other wildlife prefer a wooded shoreline. Aesthetically, a beefy buffer on the lake shore gives the best view from the water! Although natural beauty is a subjective term, most will agree that a Maine waterbody with excessive removal of trees and other natural vegetation, is not in the best interest of the people of Maine.
Scroll down to Choose an Appointment for your LakeSmart Evaluation today!
Why should I have my property evaluated? We assume “because you love the lake or pond” and want to protect your water quality and beauty of the shore land for all to enjoy! The LakeSmart process gives you ideas and technical assistance while recognizing the work you have already done. If you participate, you will serve as an example for other lakefront neighbors and encourage them to take action. Every homeowner concerned about protecting their lake should have a LakeSmart evaluation.
I don’t think I’ll get the award. Should I still have an evaluation? Absolutely! It’s not about the award, it’s about the lake, and doing what we can to protect it. The award gives us an opportunity to award efforts and let them set an example. However, even if you don’t qualify for the full award on the first evaluation, you will learn valuable ideas on how to help protect your lake (and how to qualify for the full award, if that’s your goal).
Is there any obligation? No. The LakeSmart evaluation is simply an opportunity to learn how lake-friendly your property is and get ideas on how you can help protect your lake.
Learn more about LakeSmart at Maine Lakes LakeSmart and see KLWA LakeSmart Past Events